主頁 » 出版 » 景風叢書 » Postcolonial Imagination: Archeological Hermeneutics and Comparative Religious Theology

Postcolonial Imagination: Archeological Hermeneutics and Comparative Religious Theology

系列: 景風叢書

作者/編者: Paul S. CHUNG

出版年份: 2014

頁數: 504

ISBN/ISSN: 978-962-7706-32-8

定價: HK$160 / US$22

本地平郵: HK$25

海外平郵: 待定 To be confirmed

海外空郵: 待定 To be confirmed


This book presents postcolonial imagination in terms of archeological hermeneutics and comparative theology, undertaking a profound study of interaction between Christianity and Asian religions such as Mahayana Buddhism and Confucianism. It gives rise to inspiration for those who are committed to advancing constructive theology in the aftermath of colonialism for the sake of church’s responsibility and engagement with study of religions, natural science, and culture, especially in regard to those who are vulnerable, fragile, and victims in history and society.