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Religions and Peace: Inter-Religious Dialogue in a World of Conflict and Violence

In What Sense Can Inter-Faith Dialogue Contribute to Inter-Faith Peace? | Perry Schmidt-Leukel (網上版)

非暴力本體論論托馬斯.默頓社會參與的神學基礎 | 徐曉燕 (網上版)

Pope Francis on the Wedding of Peace and Fraternity, and the Service of Religions in their Promotion | Paulin Batairwa Kubuya (網上版)


A Comparative Reading of Nada and Wu-wei 無為 | Huili Shen Stout (網上版)

The Polyphonic Structure of Xu Dishan's Early Short Stories on Religious Themes | Xu Ke (網上版)

火炮與明末天主教的傳播——以天啟、崇禎年間購炮活動為例 | 劉闊 (網上版)

A Subtle Consensus: Fabian’s and Ricci’s Understanding of Confucianism | Han Qiaoyu (網上版)

Book Reviews

 何光滬。《生於憂患,長於憂患——何光滬「漢語神學」文選》 | 高喆  (網上版)

Wang Yi et al. Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement | Maria Chen (網上版)

Magdaléna Rychetská. Uneasy Encounters: Christian Churches in Greater China | Katja Wengenmayr (網上版)

曾劭愷編。《文化宣教:跨學科現象及理論研究》 | 吳振南 (網上版)

Tobias Brandner. Christians in the City of Hong Kong: Chinese Christianity in Asia’s World City | Alex Mayfield (網上版)

Leopold Leeb. Parallel Lives, Congenial Visions: Christian Precursors of Modernity in China and Japan | Benoît Vermander (網上版)

The 10th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”

夏娃的詛咒──清末時新小說的基督教治纏足害表述 | 鄺智良 (網上版)

「神」隱於市──晚清潮州的鄉村教堂與墟市空間 | 李柏樂 (網上版)

吳經熊後期的自然法思想研究 | 程卯 (網上版)

自立教會的教會自立──基督教九龍五旬節會的起源、成立與發展 | 戴觀豪 (網上版)

Other Articles

福州西方差會教育對倪玉成家族及倪柝聲教會觀的影響 | 何子建 (網上版)

教會學校在中國──上海守真學校的教育模式及宗教傳播(1903–1951) | 倪步曉 (網上版)

Book Reviews

Alexander Chow, ed. Scottish Missions to China: Commemorating the Legacy of James Legge (1815–1897) | Wang Hui (網上版)

Lauren F. Pfister, ed. Polyglot from the Far Side of the Moon: The Life and Works of Solomon Caesar Malan (1812–1894) | Benoît Vermander (網上版)

Ambrose Mong. Christianity in the Modern World: A Study of Religion in a Pluralistic Society | Paul Hedges (網上版)

Paul S. Chung. The Social Scientific Study of Religion: A Method for Constructive Theology | Bryan K. M. Mok (網上版)
You Bin. Meditations on the Birth of Christ: Reflections for Advent in the Context of Chinese Culture | Naomi Thurston (網上版)

The History of Christianity in Modern China

Special Issue Editors: Marina Xiaojing Wang, Agnes Suk-man Pang, and Kinia Choi-lin Ng

Introduction: Chinese Christianities in Big Eras | Marina Xiaojing Wang, Agnes Suk-man Pang, and Kinia Choi-lin Ng (網上版)

Christian Schools, Left-wing Literature and the 1967 Riots in Hong Kong: A Case Study of Youths’ Garden | Ying Fuk-tsang (網上版)

中國宣道會瑞典宣教團(1893–1900) The Swedish China Mission of the Alliance (1893–1900) | Ellis Ming-cheung Ho 何明章 (網上版)

大時代下的基督徒學者──以燕京大學宗教學院蔡詠春為例 Christian Scholars in the “Grand Epoch”: A Case Study of Cai Yongchun and His Time at the School of Religion, Yenching University | Chin Ken-pa 曾慶豹 (網上版)

「禮賢車騎」──王謙如牧師與他的德國淵源 “The Rhenish General of Chariots and Horsemen”: Pastor Wong Him-yue and His German Origin | Wu Kin-pan 胡健斌 (網上版)


Tribute to Jean-Paul Wiest | Anthony E. Clark (網上版)

Other Article

重新評價科玄之爭──五四百年後再思科學與宗教的對話 Revisiting the Dialogue between Science and Religion | Kwan Kai-man 關啟文 (網上版)

Book Reviews

Gail King. "A Model for All Christian Women": Candida Xu, a Chinese Christian Woman of the Seventeenth Century | Wai-yin Christina Wong (網上版)

Ma Li. Christian Women and Modern China: Recovering a Women's History of Chinese Protestantism | Zhou Yun (網上版)

Fenggang Yang, Jonathan Pettit, and Chris White, eds. Shades of Gray in the Changing Religious Markets of China | Bai Yucheng (網上版)

Alexander Chow and Easten Law, eds. Ecclesial Diversity in Chinese Christianity | Peter Chen-main Wang (網上版)

Bibiana Yee-ying Wong. The Short-lived Catholic Central Bureau: National Catalyst for Cultural Apostolate in China (1947–1951) | Robert E. Carbonneau, CP (網上版)

Joseph W. Ho. Developing Mission: Photography, Filmmaking, and American Missionaries in Modern China | Wang Zhixi (網上版)

Celebrating 500 Years of the Reformation
The Reformation’s Culturally Transformative Influences and Impacts:
European and Asian Cultural Perspectives

Eastern and Western Perspectives on the Reformation and Its Impacts | Keith Ka Fu Chan, George Kam Wah Mak, and Benedict Shing Bun Chan

Pineapple and Herring: How the Roman Catholic Church Adapted Protestant Reform Principles to Create a Global Missionary Presence | Philip Jenkins

The Ecological Heritage of Protestantism from a Chinese Christian Perspective | Lai Pan-chiu

Culturally Transformative Impacts from the Reformation in Michelangelo’s Last Judgment (1530s) and Liang Qichao’s New People Theory (1902) | Lauren F. Pfister

The Early Accommodation of German Sacramental Theology in China: A Case Study of the Confession, Translation, and Commentary of the Rhenish Missionaries | Wu Kin-pan

Reformed Traditions and Human Rights: Friends or Foes? | Kwan Kai-man

A Consequential Evaluation in Christian Approaches to International Human Rights | Benedict Shing Bun Chan

Other Articles

The Semantics and Pragmatics of Translating the CUV Bible | Jerry Hwang

人格救國——余日章的基督教救國論 | 戴觀豪

Book Review

Perry Schmidt-Leukel. To See a World in a Flower: A Fractal Interpretation of the Relation between Buddhism and Christianity | Gu Rouyan


In Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann

On the Subject of Hope: A Reflection on the Proximity between Theology and Philosophy in Moltmann’s Thought | Jason Lam

On the Subject of Hope: Response to Jason T. S. Lam | Jürgen Moltmann

The Chinese Church and Its Mission: A Dialogue with Moltmann’s Ecclesiology | Kwok Wai-luen

The Chinese Church: Reply to Kwok Wai-luen | Jürgen Moltmann

In Dialogue with Moltmann on Ethics of Hope | Lai Pan-chiu

On Ethics of Hope: Response to Lai Pan-chiu | Jürgen Moltmann

The 9th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”

「偶像」的神學論述──以〈上帝律法十誡注釋〉(1881) 為研究個案 | 梁鳳怡

A Chinese Protestant Female Model in Southeast Asia: The “Confucianizing” of Leona Jingling Wu in 1970s Singapore | Joshua Dao-wei Sim

Politicised Faith: The Transformation of the Discourse “Character, China’s Salvation” of the Chinese YMCA, 1908–1927 | Chung Cheuk-chi Cecilia

中國的《天路歷程》──《啟蒙誌要》(1895) 的宗教與歷史寓意 | 鄺智良

Other Article

上帝啟示對命限觀念的超越──對牟宗三《圓善論》的再思 | 李慶餘

Book Reviews

Wu Qing. A Study of Bishop R. O. Hall in China: Social Activist and Theologian (1922–1966) | Chloë Starr

Lian Xi. Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, A Martyr in Mao’s China | Joseph Tse-hei Lee


Chinese Christianities Seminar,  American Academy of Religion

Theme: Chinese Christianities and Religious Boundaries

From Pagan Virtues to the Salvation of Non-Christians: Father Wang Changzhi’s Contribution to Chinese Christianity | Lu Jin

Christianity as a Chinese Religion: A Theological Consideration | Alexander Chow

A Nonviolent Model of Liberation Theology in Hong Kong: A Dialogue with Maoism | Lai Tsz-him

Religious Boundaries in Chinese Christianities | Stephanie M. Wong

Festschrift to Professor Lauren F. Pfister

時間─科學與神學的追問 | 璩理

Other Articles

宗教比較、神經科學與多維度的拯救─再思宗教多樣與宗教對話 | 賴品超

獲利、殖民還是傳教?──郭實獵與鴉片貿易、鴉片戰爭關係再思 | 李聰

Comparative Study of Religion and Faith Speaking to Faith: A “Nestorian Narrative” in Plural Christianities | Paul S. Chung and Peter Watters

Book Reviews and Review Article

Ambrose Mong. Accommodation and Acceptance: An Exploration of Interfaith Relations | Paul Michael Hedges

Wai-ching Angela Wong and Patricia P. K. Chiu, eds. Christian Women in Chinese Society: The Anglican Story | Wai-Yin Christina Wong

Li Ma and Jin Li. Surviving the State, Remaking the Church: A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China | Fredrik Fällman

對話式混成與儒家基督徒身分──評宋剛《艾儒略、〈口鐸日抄〉與晚明福建的耶儒對話》| 肖清和


The 8th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”

序言 / 黎子鵬

中國政教關係研究二十年——社會學的觀點 / 陳慎慶

向上開拓與向下鞏固——石門坎循道公會早期的兩種傳教策略 / 胡清心

從民族到國族——國民政府與貴州西北基督教會教育主權的衝突與合作 / 胡其瑞

基督教在傳統熱點地區的衰落現象——雲南滔谷傈僳族村的實證調查 / 曾黎、林昌柏

台灣基督長老教會文化認同的轉變——論1980年代後興起的台灣文化觀 / 鄭睦群

從宗教市場理論角度看宗教在台灣太陽花學運中的角色 / 王博賢

日本杏雨書屋藏兩件唐代景教寫本真僞再辨——基於叙漢譯詞角度之考察 / 王蘭平

從儒者宗教觀重探基督宗教在十九世紀早期中國的處境——姚瑩與《康輶紀行》/ 孔德維

富國.强身——清末時新小說的基督教治鴉片害表述 / 鄺智良

有病的人需要醫生?——改革開放以來基督新教的神蹟醫病論爭 / 王志希

「我在路上」——論史鐵生基於人間本位的基督教觀 / 金怡

「漢語讚美詩」的生成——以中國基督教的本土化為視野 / 徐頌贊

民國時期大陸事工新詩的本色化特徵 / 薛媛元

Worship Music Localization: A Case Study of the Revival Christian Church of Hong Kong / Fang Bo


Festschrift to Professor Lauren F. Pfister

A Life between East and West: Dedication to Professor Lauren F. Pfister / William Yau-nang Ng

Consequential Transatlantic Networks Shaped the Polyglot Nature of the Protestant Missionary Enterprise in China / R. G. Tiedemann

Richard Wilhelm and His Critics: A New Evaluation / Wolfgang Kubin

The Chinese Mission without Jesuits: The Suppression and Restoration of the Society of Jesus in China / Nicolas Standaert

東方宗教研究的開創者─詹姆士・理雅各與麥克斯・繆勒 The Founder of Eastern Religious Studies: James Legge and F. Max Muller / Sun Yiping 孫亦平

Ernst Faber’s (1839–1899) Theories of Human Nature / Gad C. Isay

佛教與基督教論罪惡─評論阿部正雄的比較研究 Buddhism and Christianity on Evil: Critical Evaluation of Masao Abe’s Comparative Studies / Kwan Kai-man 關啟文

淨土祖庭文化及人間淨土觀的實踐 The Culture of Ancestral Temple of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism and The Practice of Humanistic Pure Land / William Yau-nang Ng 吳有能

Free to Obey: Gao Panlong and Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Selflessness, Fate, and Freedom / Sophia Katz

Other Article

The Life of Reverend Wong Fook-ping (Huang Fuping 黃福平, 1892–1966): A Testimony of Faith in God and Love for Country / Terese Wong

Book Review

Ambrose Mong. Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism in China / Joseph Tse-hei Lee


Editorial / Francis Ching-wah Yip

Chinese Christianities Seminar, American Academy of Religion

Union Theological Seminary’s Dense Social Network in Twentieth-Century Chinese Christianity / Christopher D. Sneller

Ecclesiology from Below: Urbanizing Catholicism in an Urbanizing China / Stephanie M. Wong

Moral Minority: The Changing Face of Christian Politics in Post-Sunflower Movement Taiwan / Chiou Mu-tien

Historiography and Community Identity: Hong Kong Christians and the Recording of the 2014 Pro-Democracy Movement / Kang Di

A Tale of Three Bishops: Mapping the Ideologies of “Chineseness” and “Asian Values” in the Global Anglican Realignment in Vancouver / Justin K. H. Tse

Other Articles

巨人愛恨─王明道所認識的倪柝聲 Watchman Nee in the Eyes of Wang Mingdao / Ying Fuk-tsang 邢福增

中西合作的典範─香港宣道會本土化過程研究 A Partnership Model: Analysis on the Indigenization Process of Hong Kong Christian and Missionary Alliance / Ellis Ming-cheung Ho 何明章

Review and Response

Karl Barth and Christian Theology of Religions: An Asian Response to Ensminger / Paul S. Chung

Brent Fulton. China’s Urban Christians: A Light that Cannot be Hidden / Mary Li Ma

Rejoinder: Book Review by Dr. Anna Qing Wu / Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung


Reading the Psalms of 1 Chronicles 16:8–36 Cross-textually and Inter-textually / Archie Chi Chung Lee

A Textual Analysis of Chinese Characters with Their Variants in Two Dunhuang Jingjiao Manuscripts / Wang Lanping

Albert Poulet-Mathis, SJ: Pioneering in Religious Dialogue / Batairwa Kubuya Paulin

美國宣道會傳教士視野下的甘藏邊界 The Kansu-Tibetan Border in the Eyes of American Christian and Missionary Alliance Missionaries / Li Wenwen 李穩穩

「信仰成長」的敘事─中國福建省基督徒中學生的個案研究 The Narratives of “Faith Development”: A Case Study on the Christian Students from the Middle Schools of Fujian Province, China / Wang Zhixi 王志希

融合與創新─看丹楠「五行色」觀念背後的繪畫理念 Integration and Innovation: On Dan Nan’s Painting Philosophy behind the Concept of the Five-Element Color System / Ji Jingyi 紀京一 (彩圖版)

Book Reviews and Review Essays

Philip L. Wickeri, ed. Christian Encounters with Chinese Culture: Essays on Anglican and Episcopal History in China / Joseph Tse-hei Lee

Moira M. W. Chan-Yeung. The Practical Prophet: Bishop Ronald O. Hall of Hong Kong and His Legacies / Anna Qing Wu

Tang Kaijian. Setting Off from Macao: Essays on Jesuit History during the Ming and Qing Dynasties / Thierry Meynard

文化─心理視角下的十七世紀中西文化交流《歐洲遇見中國,中國遇見歐洲》書評 Cultural Exchange between China and the West in the 17th Century from the Cultural-Psychological Perspective: A Review on Europe Meets China, China Meets Europe / Xiao Qinghe 肖清和

新教中國專案和馬禮遜的功績重探 Protestant Plan for China and Robert Morrison’s Achievement Reconsidered: A Review on Christopher A. Daily, Robert Morrison and the Protestant Plan for China / Yao Dadui 姚達兌



Editorial / LAI Pan-chiu

Distinguishing Spiritual Revolution from Military Revolution: Meditations on the Impact of Chinese Literature by Protestant Missionary-Scholars in Late Traditional China / Lauren F. PFISTER

How Korean Christians and Korean Missionaries Understood the Boxer Uprising / LEE Hyewon Helen

城市基督教的合法性建構──以北京教會為例 Constructing the Legitimacy of Urban Christianity in Contemporary China: Case Study of Beijing Church / YUAN Hao 袁浩

「實現一個純全中國本色化和合而為一的教會」──誠靜怡與中華基督教會 Cheng Jingyi and the Church of Christ in China / Marina Xiaojing WANG 王曉靜

戰後香港中華基督教會歷史初探(1945–1956)The Postwar History of the Church of Christ in China in Hong Kong (1945–1956) / CHAN Chi-hang 陳智衡

本土神學的探索和思考──中華基督教會的神學尋索 Searching for and Reflecting on Local Theology: Theological Pursuit of the Church of Christ in China / Jason T. S. LAM 林子淳

Confucian Canopy and Social Construction / Paul S. CHUNG

Power, Print, and Martyrdom: C. C. Crisler and the Development of Seventh-Day Adventist Missions in China, 1916–1936 / Michael W. CAMPBELL

Review and Response

陳智衡。《合一非一律─中華基督教會歷史》Chan Chi-hang. Unity without Uniformity: History of Church of Christ in China / Marina Xiaojing WANG 王曉靜

Rejoinder: Church, Ethical Responsibility, and World Economy / Paul S. CHUNG



Special Issue for Christianity in Asia:
Past, Present and Future

Introduction to the Special Issue / LAI Pan-chiu

The Role of Contemporary Translation Theory in Chinese Bible Translation / CHONG Yau-yuk

Reconsidering the Christian Understanding of Universal Salvation in Mahayana Buddhist Perspective / LAI Pan-chiu

Theology of Creativity: Neo-Confucian and (Neo-) Christian(?) / HUANG Yong

Revolution and Religious Reform: The Indigenous Church Movement in Republican China / Cole CARNESECCA

The Policy on Religion and Protestant Christianity in Modern Korea, 1945–2010: History and Prospect / PAEK Chong-ku (PAIK Jong-koe)

Christian Witness in the Marketplace in Hong Kong / LEE Kam-hon, Dennis P. McCANN and MaryAnn Ching YUEN

Wealth Creation in China from a Christian Perspective / Georges ENDERLE

Centesimus Annus and China’s Market Economy: A Contextual Commentary / GAO Zhe

Revisiting the Foundations of Bioethics: Prospects of a Sino-Christian Discourse / Gerhold K. BECKER

Book Review

Paul S. Chung. Church and Ethical Responsibility in the Midst of World Economy: Greed, Dominion, and Justice / Kin Yip LOUIE

Engaging Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Comparative Ethical Study: Political Minjung and Confucian Ethics of Rectification / Paul S. CHUNG
The Dialogic Dimension of Catholic Engagement in Taiwan / BATAIRWA Kubuya Paulin

Special Contributions
T. C. Chao Re-visited: Questions about His Later Years / Winfried M. GLÜER
Creation Renewed: Heaven-Earth-Humanity. A Journey in Wesleyan-Orthodox-Confucian Theological Interculturation / Peter K. H. LEE

Book Reviews
David A. Palmer, Glenn Shive, and Philip L. Wickeri, eds. Chinese Religious Life / Neky Tak-ching CHEUNG
Richard C. Cook and David W. Pao, eds. After Imperialism: Christian Identity in China and the Global Evangelical Movement / Alexander CHOW
Edmund Kee-fook Chia. Edward Schillebeeckx and Interreligious Dialogue: Perspectives from Asian Theology / Ambrose Ih-ren MONG
Vincent Goossaert and David A. Palmer. The Religious Question in Modern China / LIU Yi

Source, Survival and Supremacy: Rethinking the Reception of the Chinese Union Version of the Bible in Chinese Protestant Communities / CHONG Yau-yuk
Waves of Influence across the South Seas: Mutual Support between Protestants in Minnan and Southeast Asia / Chris WHITE
Christian-Confucian Dialogue in Construction of Cultural Reality: Global-Critical, Intercivilizational, and Postcolonial / Paul S. CHUNG
How Does Public Theology Engage in Public Debate? Some Implications for Public Theology in the Emerging Sino-Christian Context / Timothy Lee-Yii LAU

Book Reviews
Expanding Process: Exploring Philosophical and Theological Transformations in China and the West / Peter K. H. LEE
The Cave and the Butterfly: An Intercultural Theory of Interpretation and Religion in the Public Sphere / XIE Zhibin

Conference Report
The International Symposium on Justice from Multi-Religious Perspectives Held at Shandong University / DONG Xiuyuan & PAN Donglei

Special Issue for Buddhist-Christian Encounter and Dialogue among Civilizations
Introduction to the Special Issue / LAI Pan-chiu
An Early World-Wide Web Religions of Eurasia / Alan HUNTER
Lotus and Swastika in Assyrian Church in China: Buddhist Legacy or Aryan Heritage? / CHAN Kim-kwong
Buddhist-Christian Encounter in the Age of Science: A Case Study of Modern Chinese Buddhism / LAI Pan-chiu & WANG Tao
The “Humanization” of Buddhism: Aspects of Western Adaptations of Buddhism / Notto R. THELLE
Toward a Buddhist-Christian Theology of Creation: An Exercise in Inter-religious Theology / Perry SCHMIDT-LEUKEL

Other Articles
Welcoming the Exposure of the Counter Revolutionary. . . A Chinese Theologian Coming to Terms with the Past / Monika GAENSSBAUER
Caught in the Middle: Issues of Interculturality in Early Missionary Encounters. The Case of the Basel Mission with Particular Regard to Theodor Hamberg / Tobias BRANDNER
In Search of the Third Space: Theological Anthropology in Eastern Orthodoxy and Sino-Christian Theology / Alexander CHOW

Review Essays
What is so “Irregular” About it? / David Kwang-sun SUH
A New Approach to Ecological Theology in the Frame of Confucian-Christian Dialogue: On Confucian-Christian Dialogue and Ecological Concern / SUN Xiangchen

Book Review
Louis Ha and Patrick Taveirne, ed. History of Catholic Religious Orders and Missionary Congregations in Hong Kong. Volume One: Historical Materials. Volume Two: Research Papers / Jean-Paul WIEST

The Orientation of the Taiwanese Catholic Church during Chiang Kai-shek’s Government: Sinicization in the Pursuit of Identity / CHEN Tsung-ming
Xie Fuya as a Contributor to Religious Studies in China in the First Half of the Twentieth Century / Christian MEYER
Going Beyond a Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann regarding His Understanding on Daodejing / Megumi YOSHIDA
Pre-Confucian Chinese Beliefs as Reflected by the Religious Symbols in the Book of Poetry / HO Shun-yee
Karl Barth, Israel, and Religious Pluralism / Paul S. CHUNG

Field Reports
Editors’ Note
Functions of Protestant Churches in Promoting Social Harmony in Socialist China: A Preliminary Study Based on Interviews with Parishioners and Pastors in Shanghai / ZHANG Zhan, HUANG Wei, CHEN Guo, WU Fuyou, CAI Yilun, MAO Yan, LU Liang, and LIU Jingjing
Contributing to the Construction of Social Morality and Harmonious Society: A Study of the Protestant Churches in Shanghai / LENG Xin, XIE Hua, XIA Hui, ZHOU Yong, and LI Jianfeng

Special Issue for the Bicentennial of Robert Morrison’s Arrival in China
Editors’ Introduction / LAI Pan-chiu & YING Fuk-tsang
The Right Reverend Dr. George Smith, Anglican Bishop of Victoria (1849–1865): His Advice to the Church Missionary Society and His Missionary Travels on the Chinese Mainland / Gillian BICKLEY
Robert Morrison and the Old Protestant Cemetery in Macao / Louis HA
A Parting Memorial: Morrison and Missionary Motivation: His Sabbatical Sermons, 1823–1826 / Christopher D. HANCOCK
Christian Mission and Higher Education: A Case for the Study of World Christianity Today / Peter Tze Ming NG
In the Eye of a Tornado: Lessons to Be Learned from Critiques of Christian Missionaries / Lauren F. PFISTER
Preaching the Social Gospel: Protestants and Economic Modernization in Republican China, 1927–1931 / Thomas H. REILLY
The Importance of Shandong: A Missiological Evaluation of a Place / Scott W. SUNQUIST
Protestant “Missionary Cases” (jiao’an) in Shandong Province, 1860–1900 / R. G. TIEDEMANN
The Chinese Nation-state, Missionary Medicine and Chinese Women / M. Cristina ZACCARINI
* * *
Dealing the Culture Card against Episcopal Women’s Ministry in Asia / Elizabeth KOEPPING

Special Issue on the Kingdom of God, the Pure Land and the Human World
Introduction / Special Issue Editors     LAI Pan-chiu & XUE Yu

Part I          Buddhist Interpretations of the Pure Land
Eschatological Faith in the Coming Kingdom, East and West: Mao Tzu-yüan and the Four Pure Lands / Whalen LAI
Shin Buddhism and Axial Civilization / Galen AMSTUTZ
Establishing a Pure Land in This World: Xingyun’s Model / JUE Ji

Part II        Christian Interpretations of the Kingdom of God
The Entrance and Inheritance of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Religion / Eric K. C. WONG
The “Kingdom of Heaven” in China: Exploring the Taiping Millennial Vision / P. Richard BOHR

Part III       Comparative Studies
Understanding Suffering from Buddhist and Christian Perspectives / XUE Yu
God’s Vow: A Pure Land Perspective on the Cross of Christ / Notto R. THELLE
Birth into the Pure Land and Resurrection of the Body: A Comparative Study between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity / Martin REPP

Part IV       Dialogues in Relation to Contemporary Society
The Kingdom of God and the Pure Land: A Dialogical Study of Eschatology and Praxis / LAI Pan-chiu
The Pure Land, the Kingdom of God and the Critique and Transformation of This World / Andres S. K. TANG
God’s Reign and the Pure Land in Interfaith and Scientific Discourse on Imago Dei and Buddha Nature / Paul S. CHUNG

A Christian Monastery for Buddhist Monks, Part II: Buddhist Rhetoric in Karl Ludvig Reichelt’s Christian Liturgies / Notto R. THELLE
Literacy, Canon and Social Reality: Socio-cultural Dimension of the Reception of the Bible among Ethnic Groups in Southwest China / YOU Bin
Alfred North Whitehead and Yi Yulgok on Cosmology: A Preliminary Comparison with Special Reference to Confucian–Christian Dialogue / Chung Soon LEE

Typology and Prospect of Sino-Christian Theology / LAI Pan-chiu

Book Review
Harold V. Bennett, Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows, Strangers, and Orphans in Ancient Israel / Joseph Tse-hei LEE

A Christian Monastery for Buddhist Monks, Part I: Karl Ludvig Reichelt’s Sacred Mountains / Notto R. THELLE
System of Harmony According to Confucius and Paul: Music, Goodness, Beauty / YEO Khiok-Khng
Transcending Differences between Christianity and Buddhism with Love: The Life and Literary Works of Xu Dishan / CHAN Wai-keung
Reinterpreting Christianity Buddhistically: Xu Songshi’s Indigenous Theology / HO Hing-cheong
Reflections on the History of Buddhist–Christian Encounter in Modern China / LAI Pan-chiu

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