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Ching Feng (N.S.) Vol. 22

Series: Journal

Author/Editor: -

Publication Year: 2023-

Pages: -

ISBN/ISSN: 0009-4668

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Religions and Peace: Inter-Religious Dialogue in a World of Conflict and Violence

In What Sense Can Inter-Faith Dialogue Contribute to Inter-Faith Peace? | Perry Schmidt-Leukel (online version)

非暴力本體論論托馬斯.默頓社會參與的神學基礎 | 徐曉燕 (online version)

Pope Francis on the Wedding of Peace and Fraternity, and the Service of Religions in their Promotion | Paulin Batairwa Kubuya (online version)



A Comparative Reading of Nada and Wu-wei 無為 | Huili Shen Stout (online version)

The Polyphonic Structure of Xu Dishan's Early Short Stories on Religious Themes | Xu Ke (online version)

Artillery and the Spread of Catholicism in the Late Ming Dynasty: A Case Study of Artillery Purchase | Liu Kuo (online version)

A Subtle Consensus: Fabian’s and Ricci’s Understanding of Confucianism | Han Qiaoyu (online version)

Book Reviews

何光滬。《生於憂患,長於憂患——何光滬「漢語神學」文選》 | 高喆 (online version)

Wang Yi et al. Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement | Maria Chen (online version)

Magdaléna Rychetská. Uneasy Encounters: Christian Churches in Greater China | Katja Wengenmayr (online version)

曾劭愷編。《文化宣教:跨學科現象及理論研究》 | 吳振南 (online version)

Tobias Brandner. Christians in the City of Hong Kong: Chinese Christianity in Asia’s World City | Alex Mayfield (online version)

Leopold Leeb. Parallel Lives, Congenial Visions: Christian Precursors of Modernity in China and Japan | Benoît Vermander (online version)