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Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture
Notes for Contributors
In order to encourage exchange of ideas and research findings between Chinese scholarship and international scholarship in Christianity and Chinese religions, the New Series of Ching Feng accepts original research articles in English as well as in Chinese. The editors also welcome review articles or book reviews, dissertation abstracts, and academic news that are related to the areas of Chinese Christianity, Chinese religions and culture, and dialogue between Christianity and Asian religions and cultures.
All articles are anonymously peer-reviewed. After they are notified of the receipt of their submissions, authors should allow three to four months for a review.
Research or review articles, including notes, should be between 5,000–8,000 words in length for English and 8,000–10,000 words in length for Chinese. Authors are required to submit a written declaration that their articles have not been previously published in English or Chinese and are not concurrently being considered for publication elsewhere.
The editors accept manuscripts in softcopy sent as e-mail attachments, and strongly prefer MS Word format. Articles should be annotated with footnotes, not endnotes.
The title of the article, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address should be provided on a separate page before the article. An abstract of around 100 words should be included on another page. If possible, a bilingual version of the above information is preferred.
Documentation should conform to the style recommended in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition). Authors are strongly encouraged to use the system of “notes and bibliography”; full details should be provided in a first note. Whenever appropriate, Chinese and other Asian proper names and terms should be provided, together with romanization, for the first occurrence; the pinyin system should be used for Chinese names and terms.
Contributors will receive a typeset proof (as PDF file) before their articles are published.
It is a condition of publication in Ching Feng that authors assign copyright to the Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture. Authors may use their published articles elsewhere, provided that prior permission of the Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture is obtained and that Ching Feng is acknowledged as the original place of publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material from other sources. Authors of articles are entitled complimentary offprints of their articles.
Articles in Ching Feng represent neither the views of the Study Centre nor those of its editors. Responsibility for opinions expressed therein and for the accuracy of facts rests with the individual authors.
Contributions, exchanges, and business correspondence please address to the executive editor of Ching Feng, Professor Francis Ching-wah Yip, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, K. K. Leung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong (email: francisyip@cuhk.edu.hk, chingfeng@csccrc.org).